Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Idea for post 50

Just an idea:

Start over with 3 new toons at level 1.
Only play those toons when the three of us are together.
Create an entirely new Supergroup - new base, everything.
Focus on story and content (lots of missions, not so much hunting)
See how long it takes us (in hours played) to make 50.

We should all start over with archetypes we are unfamiliar with: Greg shouldn't be a Tank or Scrapper, I shouldn't be a Tank or Blaster, etc. Contollers and Defenders have myriad configurations and tactics, so I guess Rob could be a Defender, but a different one. Remember we'll have the option of Peacebringers and Warshades, as well. We can all have a different origin so as to reduce duplication of missions at the beginning and coordinate contacts so we don't do the same things over and over. If we could get firm commitments from our wayward SGmates (Boots, Troy, Matt) we could have them along, too.

When the entire group couldn't get together, we would always have villains or alts.

The idea behind all of this: So much has changed since we've started playing, I think that starting a group from scratch would be an entirely different experience than the one we are about to finish.

Not that I want to abandon Apotheosis. I know we have Villains to play and Recluse's Victory, taskforces, accolades, etc. to do. It's just an idea for the future.

OK - discuss!


Garthamatic said...

Well, for me I have several Alts that I would have no problem sending off to digital oblivion.

Omega Response is #1 on the list. As an Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster, he's kinda "meh". He deals nothing but smashing/lethal damage, has some endurance problems, and I'm not digging the progression into the Devices secondary... Too much waiting around to plant trip mines, etc. for my tastes.

I love the character concept for Dokkalfar Exile, so he stays.

Reptilor could be chopped. He's a good concept character with a nice costume, but the Spines set has not been tickling me that much. For AoE potential I prefer a /Fire Tank since their survivability is so much higher with equivalent damage potential.

Terminal Exposure is also kinda "meh". I'd consider a respec before ditching him though. Since IOs came out, he could be a real diamond in the rough.

I'm eager to see the post-50 idea though... Count me in for whatever.

Anonymous said...

I think Terminal Exposure is pretty cool, but we haven't done Villains in so long...

Garthamatic said...

Yeah, I agree. The character concept and costume is pisser. Since most of his primary and secondaries involve debuffs, set IOs for him will be dirt cheap. Those sets are generally the less desired ones and hence are often sold for a song on the Black Market.

So don't keep me in suspense... What's the Uber idea? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

It's up now. Not so uber, really.

Anonymous said...

Deleting an existing toon and re-creating him would be another option, and less taxing on already strained creative time.

Garthamatic said...

And of course, I'm commenting while you're modifying the post... Doah!

To be honest, I love the idea. Playing (new) characters is very attractive. Particularly since post Tier-9 powers, our primary characters have been much more static. You get a level and a couple slots or a new power, but the big hitters are all behind you. The AVs and story content at higher levels is nice, but almost nobody teams except to farm/bridge/PL. None of those I find the slightest bit interested in. Yes I like to hunt in Hazard Zones with Flambeau, but that's not running the same mission over, and over, and over, ad nauseum... And Rob ran into the big issue right in front of us.

"LEVEL 50! Yesss! Hmmm. No more XP. Huh. Ummm. Yeah. Ummm. What now...?"

Starting over with new and different characters is a great way to revisit some of those fun times we had with less powerful heroes.

I'd like to suggest we try to play complimentary characters that are DIFFERENT for each of us. Ideas would be for Eric to play a Defender/Controller/Peacebringer, Rob to play a Tank/Warshade, and for me to play a Blaster/Defender/Controller.

I've never played a Controller. Also, Blasters are foreign to me, being predisposed to melee characters...

I'm really game for anything though. I guess this means I need to get Mantlet to 50 though. :)

Great ideas Eric. Discuss!

Garthamatic said...

Eric, have you ever played a Scrapper?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've played a scrapper and I never really liked it. I should probably try again. On a team of people I can trust and learn with it should be more enjoyable than PUGs or solo.

Anonymous said...

Trying this out on another server is also an idea.

Garthamatic said...

If we decide to do that, here's some info:

West Coast Servers:
Training Room

East Coast Servers:

Taken from this thread:

Garthamatic said...

I've been contemplating a Dark/Dark Defender lately for a build-from scratch new team. Good debuffs, heal/rez capability, and some control elements in there as well.

But, that's open to discussion. It's hard to mess with the Tank/Defender/Blaster or Scrapper combo for a small team. Tank holds aggro, Defender mitigates incoming damage, and the Scrapper flips out and kills shit... What's not to like :)

I'd actually be 100% OK with playing another Tank, too. I love the AT and it is by far my favorite to play (I'm hesitant to psychoanalyze why that is...).

As a matter of fact, I'm cool with whatever tickles you guys. I definitely agree that the scenery on the way is the best part of the game, not the destination at the end. Let me know and I'll hop in line. Cheers!

Garthamatic said...

You know, an Trick Arrow/Archery Defender would also be a Hoot. Very old-school Hawkeye/Green Arrow kind of vibe to it.

Garthamatic said...

In retrospec, maybe a Rad/Dark Defender... Looking at the sets, the stacking debuffs and immobilize powers appear to be very complimentary.