Friday, August 10, 2007


Here's a nice screen-shot from last night. Orlean's is powering up, Mantlet's winding up, and Cacaphony is bubbling (although obscured behind Babbage's monster frame). Midnight-Lord (aka Silver-Suit) is also in there as well.

Congrats on Cacaphony reaching 50, as well! YAYYYY! Been a long time coming. Despite Double XP weekends, Orleans is still ahead of Mantlet, as well. But, it's not a race, it's a scenic journey. And a great one at that...

Cheers fellahs.


wolvensense said...

I really like that shot. Did you make it panoramic with a crop, or does it come out that way on your play view?

I additionally like the idea that we all surrounded the thing. Gives a nice third dimension.

Garthamatic said...

Cropped it. I was trying to center the action on the characters and the nice wide perspective seemed to fit. Sorry Caca is blocked by Babbage, I was multi-tasking when I took that shot... :)