Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Melee Power sets in Issue 11

On the boards: 2 New powersets for Scrappers, Tankers, Brutes and Stalkers: Willpower and Dual Swords. Take a look below...

Castle expounds a bit.

Willpower has 'decent' resists against Smashing/Lethal/Toxic/Psi damage. It has 'poor' resists but 'decent' defense against Fire/Cold/Energy/Negative Energy.

Someone earlier in the thread mentioned Taunt Auras. Brutes, Scrappers and Tankers all have a 'Taunt Aura' power called "Rise to the Challenge" that works similarly to Invincibility, but increases Regeneration rate rather than Defense.

As for the Dual Blades discussion:
1) Primarily Lethal damage (and, yes, I am very aware of the arguments against that.)
2) The animations are pretty darn cool looking. BAB has outdone himself here, I think.
3) As Posi said, the set is FAST. Not quick 'claws' speed, but fast nonetheless. For Tankers and Brutes, I imagine that'll be a nice change!

Thanks to Blog of Heroes for the heads up.

1 comment:

Garthamatic said...

I'm thinking a Dual-Swords/Willpower Scrapper would be a hoot to play. Similar to Katana, only faster with a boost to Regen in the thick of the fray. Couple that with IO set Regen bonuses/defense and you have a winner.

Willpower is interesting for a Tank primary, as it doesn't have that big hole versus Psi damage that all the Primaries except Stone/ are stuck with. Couple that with the Fighting pool for Tough/Weave and it's a very viable set (on the surface anyway).