I've been kicking around an idea for a while now, and I wanted to suggest it on our brand spanky new BLOG.
Why don't we all take one costume slot and come up with a common SuperGroup costume? You know, like the Fantastic Four all wear the same blue tights and the X-Men have their "uniform" (old comics X-men, not the movie).
I vote we all take a shot at it with a new (throwaway) character and take screenshots of the costume page showing the design picks/choices and some in-game pics from different angles. We vote and pick one we like and then we all change one of our costume slots to all have the same design. This would be Uber-cool when we join other teams, as we can all roll in matching outfits with our SG colors flying high. Well, at least I'd think it was cool. : P
Friday, June 22, 2007
SG Costumes FTW !!!
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I have no problem with trying out this idea on lowbies or ALTS at first.
I do remember how long it took our gay little asses just to decide on an SG color set the first time around. I also remember the stints of "salmon mystique" and straight up yellow and blue that I've since come to regret. A whole matching outfit venture might be preventative with regard to time.
I actually would like to hold off on the idea for our three veteran Apotheosites until after level 50, for personal reasons that will be evident thereafter.
I was actually thinking of using Orlean's outfit as a template for the rest of the team... The shoulder arcs and metallic pieces create a nice effect. We could all keep our distinctive head designs/helmets, but the rest of the body costume would be all or nearly identical. I'm gonna try it soon.
That's actually an even more intersting idea, so long as he'd be okay with us swiping his work and with not getting to change his look too much. The helmet thing, for me, alleviates the "personal reasons" in my previous comment.
Could you hit the tailor at some point and show the costume options and color choices used for Orlean's metallic red/white option with the triangular cape (as in the AV screenshots for Neuron). That would be VERY helpful... : )
I can do that. I just recently changed Voodoo's costume and I'll post pics of that, too, as it's similar.
I don't remember what boots I had before the rocket ones. I guess we'll all just have to get a pair :)
Rocket Boots on a Magic Origin Tank? Mmmm. Powered by Pixie Dust!
YOu know what, the three of us in matching costumes with rocket boots flying would be REALLY cool. I could be persuaded to drop another bundle of influence to facilitate that.
And before anyone protests, I don't care - I don't need it.
NP, I actually like the idea, since Cacaphony, Orleans, and Mantlet all use Fly as their travel power. For our "big three" I think it makes sense. And the boots look sweeeeet. I can dump some Inf off Flambeau to cover it. Even after crafting Rare set enhancements he's still got about 7M banked.
Oh, another geek idea for the costumes... Everyone in matching outfits, but the base outfit uses a chest insignia other than the SG group Fleur de leis.
An upper case "T" on Mantlet's chest.
An upper case "B" on Orlean's chest.
An upper case "D" on Cacaphony's chest.
Sort of like "teaming for dummies" when we roll with other groups :P
Just an idea, and a slightly silly one at that, but still entertaining to consider.
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