Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thane of Wounds: The I.D. Badge Backstory

Kheldian Peacebringer

Ours was a coenobitic enclave of pure Kheldian energies cloistered over an iron and ice comet we called Claeactal, circling the remote dead star Dapsturg. That's how far we had to go to remain free of it. I don't think you understand the draw to conjoin with humans. When both are present, when both are weak, it's almost involuntary, even feeling forced. You've humans free of Kheldian influence a world over. Their masteries and collective intellect pull the understanding of these hybridizations well toward hominid measure. All we sought was balance, Kheldians free of the mix to offer a greater, even opposing understanding of the dipods. Rikti may be your focus now, but our galaxy is oft traversed with xenophiles who've sampled Terran protein chains. The risk required seclusion. Who'd have thought compromised samples lay entombed at our comet's core? Of the enclave, nothing remains.

1 comment:

Garthamatic said...

Interesting backstory. You tend to opt for more imagery and "fill in the gaps" in yours than I do. Kheldians can be tough due to a number of factors, but this is a good one.